Work isn’t always pleasant but one thing that can make your job even more miserable is working for a horrible boss.


There’s nothing worse than a bad boss!


You’ve heard the old saying: “People don’t leave jobs, they leave managers.”


Well, guess what? It’s true


A report published in 2018 from the market research firm Gallup found that out of 8,300 adults who were surveyed, about 60% left their job “to get away from their manager.”



An employee with a bad manager performs at a level that is 20% lower compared to an employee with a good manager,” says Brian Kropp, managing director at CEB”.


So let’s discuss the 5 types of managers or bosses for whom we don’t want to work for:


1. The Micromanager: You might be an adult, but to this type of manager you’re still a child who needs constant supervision. Or at least that’s what this person thinks.


  • They are total control freaks; they have to oversee everything anyone does in their team or department. Nobody or nothing can escape their attention at all.
  • These types of managers can drive you crazy literally!
  • The easiest way to deal with them is to give it right back with a big old smile.


2. The Ghost: These types of bosses are the ones who are rarely found in the office or hardly interact with their team members. They come to work, close the office door, and then come out only after the workday is over.


  • With these types of bosses, you need to ensure proper communication with him/her and it would be vital for you to remain proactive about your performance at every step and compelling him to do the same.


3. The crooked politician: These types of bosses are visionaries and skilled enough to know the steps they need to be successful. They have certain social finesse and the employees who work for them are fooled by the magnetism they carry into thinking they are good people. Only way to face these types of bosses, leave the job!


4. The Manipulator Boss: This can be one of the most dangerous bosses to work for since you to be on guard all the time. The individuals who work for these kinds should think hard and long that whether the job is worth it or not. The reason because these kinds of bosses will do everything in their power to get what they want. The best option in this case if the focus on your work and yourself, and do the best job you can.


5. The workaholic: These types of bosses are toxic for employees as they expect everyone around them to display similar enthusiasm for work and put in the same work hours, thus setting long working hours culture. A study in the Journal of environmental and occupational medicine shows that people who work for demanding jobs with 60+ hours of workweeks are more likely to get into depression up to three years later. So ultimately working under such bosses eventually messes with the work-life balance of employees.

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