In the early ’90s, e-learning was just a dream for so many. No one knew that it would become a permanent way of imparting knowledge today. Ranging right from pre-schools to higher education, each one of us is stuck with our laptop and zoom classes. Every one of us, whether a student or a teacher or educator, all are stuck in one zone, online sessions.

This pandemic has drastically pushed each one of us to reinvent ways for the new normal.

According to UNESCO, over 320 million Indian students in schools and colleges are imparted and are coping with the new normal. The challenges faced by each education sector are listed below.

  1. The new world of online classes.
  2. Locked up at home.
  3. Lack of social interaction.
  4. Missing onto the golden days of college life
  5. Confusion about the curriculum
  6. Postponing of plans to receive foreign education
  7. Educators are working more than the usual hours
  8. Lack of practical exposure
  9. Forced to be digitally equipped
  10. The downward graph of the Indian education sector

There is a paucity of education who are ready to rise upto the challenge. Some of the educators are limited by the resources available to them. The redesign of the curriculum in most average colleges in itself. It’s not easy to move away from the traditional pedagogies to the contemporary ones.

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