How we always know that an Orange, is an Orange, is not an Elephant? Because our brain (Central Processor) processes the information (data) accurately that is gathered by our senses Like- Taste, Smell, Feel, Sight, which our mind is continuously learning, collecting data and analyzing that Data (science?). Science has there been since ,the inception of Humanity. Whether it is the development of Wheel, Fire, even going to other places without any Map or GPS. Humans have been doing this since forever…


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We have been doing this sub-cautiously daily and it is an integral part of our behavior and seems trivial to us. However, our brain has some cognitive limitations like in information collecting and processing, memorizing, recognizing, predicting and other. In such conditions, powerful computers play an important role. With technological developments and advancements in technology, hardware, and computing, it makes us able to now gather huge data from almost everything. 


Like Google and other apps are tracking our physical movement and location with the help of our mobile phones and other gadgets being used by us, these are also tracking our buying behavior and another search history online for any required product or service, how our purchase pattern being recorded and analyzed by a superstore, even these days our movement in cities is being monitored by CCTV and so on. Our data is being captured everywhere and all the time without us noticing it.

But this Data is of no use till the time we collect it properly and use the same to get the findings or insight. May be advertisers, who want to target their market accurately and provide dedicated ads to get the maximized business or the health care experts, who want applications for health and fitness, e.g. health tracker, fall detector, etc, the people in the stock market who want to maximize their gains, law-enforcement officers who want to spot terrorist activities in crowded places and so on and so forth are some of the examples of areas Data science can be used.


We have huge data around us that can be potentially used for the benefit of society, customers, business, government agencies, and many other stakeholders.whatever we have discussed above is the Data side of Data Science. Now technologies like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, and allied fields help in systematic and scientific methods to provide useful insights, predictions, recognition and analytical solutions from this huge data. Data Science will help is betterment in each and every walk of life using the Data around us.

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