What is the need for workplace flexibility? Flexibility includes the readiness and skill to readily accept the changing circumstances and expectations. Being flexible towards work means a lot. Employees who perform their job with a flexible mindset are more valued by employers.


The shift is not new. Rather, it has been going on for years now. Flexibility in the workplace allows employers and employees to make arrangements about working conditions that suit them. This helps employees ensure a work/life balance and can help in improving the productivity and efficiency of the business.


The jobs are becoming more flexible, and employees are getting the opportunity to embellish their own jobs, to make the best fit with their wishes, needs, and their capabilities.
Some organizations are really adding much more to workplace flexibility. When there is a Project/Task, there is a process to look at the capabilities required for the specific Project/Task. The wishes, needs, and capabilities of people connected to the organization are collected and taken into consideration as part of the process. The employees have the flexibility to decide which Project/Task they can better fit into, depending upon their capabilities and wishes.


Studies show that organizations that offer workplace flexibility have less absenteeism and turnover, and higher levels of engagement and productivity. In this way, the employees feel trusted and valued, and their involvement and dedication in the work, and in the organization, grows.


It is high time for a transformation in HR. It is not that easy, as the transformation is taking place on (at least) two dimensions: from analogue to digital and from traditional to creative HR practices. When one is making traditional processes digital, without redesigning the process, one can waste a lot of time and money.
So, it is the need of the time to refocus our sight on the emerging HR Practices.

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