In education, the phrase Professional Development may be used in indication to a wide variety of specialized training- formal education or advanced professional learning intended to help administrators, teachers, and another educator to improve their Professional Knowledge competence skills and effectiveness.


Effective Professional Development Programme enables educators to develop their knowledge and skills required to address students’ learning challenges.


Professional Development Programme is important for new teachers as well as for experienced teachers. Lifelong learning keeps a teacher motivated and it also helps to gain the confidence to overcome the obstacles he/she faces in the classroom. Professional Development Programme includes training, orientation seminars, action research etc.


Nothing is permanent. Only Changes are permanent in our environment. The educational policies, methods, course, and content are changing day by day thus we must equip ourselves with respect to day to day changes. The Professional Development Programme helps the teachers to equip themselves with the changes and keep their knowledge up-to-date.


“Fairness is not an attitude. It’s a professional skill that must be developed and exercised”.                                                                                   — Brit Hume


Below is a list of Professional Development Courses for the Teachers:

  • English as a Second Language Course


  • Leadership Course


  • Differentiated Instruction Course


  • Assessing Students Learning Course


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