The fear of evil that cannot be controlled is fear. There are various forms and qualities of fear, but the subjectivity of fear is the main quality. Everyone has their own fears and their own new forms. When many people make the outline of their future based on their experiences, then they are determined in unknowingness only on the basis of their fear. Thus, fear plays an important role in our life. In reality, not only human society, the whole creature is moving due to fear. The question is that if fear gives shape to our experiences then why are fear and knowledge different? In fact, the concept of fear is associated with real loss and invisible gain, that is, the beginning and end of fear usually lie between the physical state, but the form of knowledge is liberated.

In reality, fear does not take birth with a person. Paulo Coillo of Brazil, author of a great book like ‘The Alchemist’, says that a person is basically born with two types of fear. First, the fear of falling and the second, the fear of loud voices and both these fears are not our mind, but our nervous system feels. Apart from these, one gets all his fears along with his experiences of life. In fact, even the fear of death is not born with birth.

The thing to think about is that in the dark we are afraid not because of being alone, but because of fear of not being alone. In the early stages of life, we are affected by that fear in the order and proportion in which the form of fear is introduced. Thus many of our life experiences are actually a compilation of different types of fears and estimates of their effects. It is possible that on the basis of this state of thought or conclusion of the conditions born out of fear, the benefits of life, body, relationships, wealth, etc. have been described as secondary in the Shri Mad Bhagwat Gita. 

Since ancient times, our thinkers have given enough discussion and thinking on the relationship of fear and knowledge. There is also a lot of evidence in our knowledge tradition that our knowledge has been the main weapon against all kinds of fear. To understand this, we take the example of the soul. In a sense, the concept of the soul is actually a successful way to reduce the fear of death. We are all familiar with death, knowing that the end of the body is fixed. In such a situation, the knowledge of our soul being immortal gives us freedom from the fear of death.

The deep meaning of liberation is actually liberation from the thoughts of profit and loss. This is also called the state of knowledge. In the Western tradition, fear has been interpreted as a major obstacle to the path to success. In analyzing statements related to fear in his life philosophy, the issue does not seem to be any different from Indian philosophy. Every time Paulo Coillo says that ‘those who are able to say goodbye to life, they are able to start a new life.’ Then it becomes even more firm that without defeating the fear of loss we cannot reach the profit and the real profit is nothing but knowledge.

Defeating fear is the beginning of knowledge

Defeating fear is the beginning of knowledge
96 100 0 1
The fear of evil that cannot be controlled is fear. There are various forms and qualities of fear, but subjectivity of fear is the main quality. Everyone has their own fears and their own new forms.
The fear of evil that cannot be controlled is fear. There are various forms and qualities of fear, but subjectivity of fear is the main quality. Everyone has their own fears and their own new forms.
Total Score
  • Neeraj Sharma
    96/100 The best

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