CS (Computer Science) and IT (Information Technology) both are very similar to one another, and this is the reason why many students remain confused between these two fields. In this blog, we will understand the minute variations and similarities between Computer Science and Information Technology streams.

Computer Science

Computer science (CS) ranges from theory through programming to cutting-edge development of computing solutions. Computer Science is inventing and developing durable software’s and hardware’s by utilizing diverse programming abilities. Computer Science engineers are treated as technology developers and designers. They study the design and purpose of computers, especially the mechanics of computation, similarly looks after the ways the data processes and systems control. They understand the details of computer theory and thus command the mathematical algorithms essential to write code and develop inventive computer hardware, software programs, and operating systems.

Students those who are willing to pursue Computer Science are intended to study subjects like: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics, Operating Systems (OS), Algorithms and Data Structure (DAA & DSA), Software Methodology and Engineering (SE), Architecture, Numerical and Symbolic Computation, Database and Information Retrieval, Human-Computer Communication and Programming Languages (C, C++, Java,  Python) etc.

Classic Careers for CS students include positions such as:

v Software Engineer

v Java Developer

v Computer Programmer

v Software Developer

v Systems Engineer

Information Technology

Information Technology (IT) deals with the “Management of Computers”. IT is just the making of correct choice of the proper software or hardware for the purpose of particular task i.e. it is all about working on with a process by selection of already available software or hardware.

It also enquires about installation, implementation, and development of computer systems and its applications. In other words, we can state that IT is a stream dealing with the utilization of electronic computers and computer software to store, process, spread and securely regain data. In contrast with CS, IT truly deals with the application of new era computing techniques and technology to real life processes & systems while Computer Science deals with the sciences to facilitate these applications.

IT professionals are treated as technology implementers and practitioner. They perform an array of individual tasks that range from installation of applications to designing of complex computer networks and associated information databases. They use computer systems, software and networks to process and distribute data. They tend to find out technological solutions for business needs by adapting, deploying and maintaining the operating systems and programs designed by system scientists. IT has become a crucial element of everyday operations and business growth for all small, medium and large businesses.

Students those who are willing to pursue computer science are intended to study subjects like Data Structures and Algorithms (DAADS), Microprocessors and Interfacing, Computer Communication and Networking, Database Systems, Internet Technologies and Applications, Software Engineering (SE) and many more such related subjects.

Classic careers for IT students include positions such as:

v System Administrator

v Programmer/Analyst

v Technical Support Specialist

v Business Analyst/System Analyst

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