The COVID-19 Pandemic forced organizations, educational institutions and businesses, to suddenly shifted to remote working and organizations let their employees to work from home, to protect them from pandemics. All the activities were shifted to digital platforms and this sudden shift opens the doors for new cyberattacks.

So as we have seen many news related to cyber-attacks in Economic times, in the past months. Cybersecurity attacks in India (Check out the news).

WHO has also asked the public to remain vigilant against fraudulent emails and recommended the use of reliable sources to obtain information(WHO URGES VIGILANCE).

So the challenge is, how to we can secure new remote working practices while ensuring critical business functions and how to keep the organization’s data protected from attackers, who are ready to take the benefit of the situation.

Read also: What is Cybercrime?

Post Covid-19, remote working or work from home emerged as the new way of working, it has also resulted in a growing number of threats organizations and data. Because no system or organization was ready to manage the sudden shift and during the pandemic, employees were forced to use their personal network and systems, this has also increased the risk of malware finding its way onto devices, resulting in both personal and work-related information being compromised.

 As result, the sudden shift in circumstances has impacted the way that employees access business applications and increased the potential attack surface.

We need to adopt some good CYBER HYGIENE, to deal with the Circumstances.

  • Change your default username and password.
  • Change Passwords at frequent intervals.
  • Do not keep the same password, for every account or card.
  • Do not reveal personal and your financial information, in an email.
  • Only use trusted sources of information.
  • Do not click and download unsolicited email attachments.
  • To secure your home network, keep the Wi-Fi device in the middle of your home instead of keeping it near the door or window.

Try to follow this simple cyber hygiene to protect yourself and your personal information. Because, video conferencing can also pose risks to the privacy and the security of our personal information, if not properly managed and protected.

Cyber Security is everyone’s responsibility, and with so many potential attack points, the key to improving security is to create a culture of cyber awareness.

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