Putting questions has always been the best method to evaluate the candidate’s learning ability and knowledge. Not only teachers but students can also put questions to satisfy their curiosity. Students are unaware of aspects that they need to keep in mind while preparing a questionnaire. Now the question that comes is what a teacher can do to improve her student’s question-asking ability. To improve students question formation technique, students can be asked to perform thorough research to understand the crux of the matter and then pose genuine questions that come to their mind.

Now, when it comes to the questioning formation by students of high grades, the process can be brainstorming. The question formation technique aims to stimulate the thinking ability of students in different circumstances and express their views without hesitation.

The strategy has proved its worth to teach young learners as well as adults pursuing higher studies. Discussion, debate, conferences, project-based learning and all such activities promote inquiry and stimulate thinking capacity. Besides teachers, students should have necessary question formation skills that can encourage them to think and speak out their queries to satisfy their urge.

Creating questions involves a lot of factors, which need to be underlined for best evaluation. This includes:

  1. The Level of Questions to be asked- Whether you pose a question, statement, phrase, use image or video aid, or math problem or equation, it should be clear and descriptive. Anything vague would turn down the purpose of question-answer. Be it subjective or objective, the questions should have a hierarchy (general- specific) (easy-average- difficult).
  1. Number of Questions- When it comes to a number of questions, there is no hard and fast rule. There must be sufficient questions to evaluate the skills of the students. The questionnaire should strike a balance to work uniformly for all types of learners. In addition, teachers should be able to organize original answers to these questions to build a level of answers.
  1. The sequence of Questions- Questions should be in the right order- Easy, Average, Difficult. Pre-define the answer limit for a particular question to ensure that the top-level answers could be delivered within the time. However, the examiners should, at first, try to solve the question paper on their own before revealing it to the students.
  1. Rules and Focus of Questions- Question Formation Technique should be bound to certain rules and inclined towards a particular objective. The focus of the questionnaire should be upon judging students for different attributes, i.e. their writing skills, time-management, explanation skills and grasp on concepts, etc. The concerned person should strategize the question formation technique.


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Types of Question Formation Technique

When we talk about types of question formation technique, there are plenty of techniques available to use. This includes closed questions, open questions, rhetorical questions, loaded questions probing questions, leading questions, recall questions, and funnel questions etc. Extemporaneous questions help to evaluate the presence of mind and problem-solving skills of students.

How to Handle Student’s Response to Question Formation?

Based on their understanding and knowledge, different students may respond differently to different matters. Additionally, reinforce student’s response with a positive attribute to understand their thought process and perception skills. Teach them how to present their question eloquently and classify each question at a specific level. Integrating their past performance with the present one would stimulate their attention and interaction abilities.


Question-answer is an important aspect of learning. However, the question formation technique requires professional guidance to ensure that the questions students pose are clear and justify the context.

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